Working On The Road

I need your help. Would you be one of our advisors on this?
We already know that we live in an Information Age. In fact, information overload is said by many to be their biggest problem.
We also live in an Age of Mobility. More and more employees are working from home. Business on the road is wide spread for professionals from truckers to consultants to sales executives in Canada, the USA, in Mexico and overseas. You might even be “traveling” with a world of clients from your desk in your home office. The connectivity options are almost limitless.
That’s the challenge then. Which technologies are the best for those who work on the road on planes, trains and in automobiles? In hotels, libraries and away-from-home offices? Where there is no pre-installed Wi-Fi or cell phone tower within reach?
Share with me your best tips on the most compact, cost-effective, easy-to-use, satellite connectable tools for traveling workers to stay connected and serve their clients well while on the road.
Then watch in upcoming issues for some of the answers we get from our readers.
Meanwhile, happy traveling!