Small Business Strategy: When to Fire a Client

We all love our clients, don’t we? Well, except for a few. But for the most part, serving the few who stretch our resources is part of the package. Sometimes some clients just need more attention than others.
But there comes a time when it’s just not a fit any longer, no matter how much you stretch the point. And when you reach the stage where you are ready to fire a client, you don’t want it to happen when you’re upset. It has to be a calm process, and handled with care and compassion. So do your homework.
Make a list of the things that cause you to believe you can no longer work with this client before having that final conversation.
Once done, and you’ve eliminated the grief of having to deal with them on a day to day basis, your employees will thank you. And you will have more energy to focus on those clients who do deserve the great service you offer.
Here is a short list of things that are likely to be on your list.
- They always want a discount. Your price is never good enough for them, no matter how good your service is.
- Invoices are paid later rather than sooner. What do they think you are, anyway? A bank? Clients who depend on you to grant them a line of credit without first negotiating that with you, are taking advantage of your good nature and not playing fair.
- Deadlines are missed over and over again. When the client is required to provide you with something – a signature, some copy to work with, samples of their materials, a meeting, an introduction to the project leader in their firm, return a phone call – whatever it is, if they are always late getting their information to you and then expect you to still finish the job on time, it shows a lack of responsibility on their part.
- They are rude to your employees. Love me, love my employees. Disrespect for them is also disrespect for you. Speak with the client about their behavior first, and fix things at your end if you are to blame, but if such behavior persists, put that client on your black list.
- Of course, the client also does not send you referrals or testimonials. And in this case, you and the other party might question the connection any way.
In short, if you have reached an agreement on what is expected of you and what is expected of the client in the work you do, and you hold up your end of the bargain, then you have every right to expect the same of the client. When that doesn’t happen, it’s time to move on.