The Law of Reciprocity

There is a universal law that says “what goes around, comes around”. Other was of saying the same thing include: “you reap what you sow”, and “you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want” (Zig Ziglar). So when it
comes to growing your business through referrals, the underlying message is clear: you are likely to receive more referrals by giving more referrals or otherwise helping others. Think about a time when someone gave you a referral. Didn’t you work extra diligently to help that person back? If you don’t have a referral in mind, there are other ways you can provide unsolicited support to others, such as forwarding an article of interest, volunteering your time to help a cause, providing a testimonial, introducing someone to your network, promoting people verbally or in writing, or offering visibility in other ways. Today, think about how you can help someone you know and then get out there and do it!