Take Your Business from Passion to Profit

How does a business go from being an exciting idea to producing a great income for the entrepreneur? Or go from a decent income with very long hours and hard, hard work, to an outstanding income and lots of time off for family, friends and the other parts of a fabulous lifestyle?
It all starts with Passion. That means loving what you do, connecting your Passion to your Principles, and being excited about how you help your clients achieve the things they want. Sometimes we can’t quite figure out what we’re passionate about because we’re so busy doing all the work that tires us out instead of doing what we were born to do.
With passion, you can work an 18-hour day, maybe even love what you do, but not be able to put food on the table. So ask yourself – What are my…
Purpose and Goals – What do you want to accomplish? By what date? How will you know when you get there? That takes…
Planning –A road map to guide you in building a sustainable business that incorporates what you feel passionate about. And in order to sell something you first have to develop…
Product – Something to offer your clients that they will be willing to pay a reasonable price for, and allow you to keep a decent profit. Such an important word…
Profit – Sometimes when we’re passionate about our product, we are so eager to see people use it that we practically give it away. But here’s the truth of the matter – the more profit you make, the more people you can help. Period. That requires…
Processes – These are the Policies and Procedures that you put in place and apply every day, which determines whether you work hard for little money, or work smart and keep the difference. Luckily, processes can be fine-tuned as you go along. To increase your capacity to grow, you’ll need…
People – Where will you find good people to help you grow your business? What relationships will be important to you in networking your way to success? And that brings us to my mission, which is to help you, the entrepreneur, owner-operator or self-employed professional to add to your bottom line through more…
Profitable Prospecting – Prospecting for ideas. Prospecting for people to help you build your business. And most importantly, prospecting for your ideal clients and learning how to generate the quality referrals that lead them straight to your door. Money in hand. Willing to do business with you. At a profit.