Stop Wasting Precious Time Doing Things You Hate

Every hour you spend on a task that could be delegated to someone else is an hour that earns you less income than you are capable of. Granted, it’s not always easy to delegate. But how many times in the last year have you heard yourself say, “Ah, it’s just easier if I do it myself”? Here’s the rub. Your business will never reach its full potential as long as you hold on to tasks that can be done by others. If you’re struggling, here are a few ways to delegate more effectively.
- First of all, figure out what your time is worth as the driving force of your business. Then check out what it would cost for a more junior employee or a sub-contractor to relieve you of tasks that you can do, but really shouldn’t be doing.
- Make a list of everything you do in a typical day, week, month and year. Highlight the ones that are essential to your business success and that only you can do. There will likely only be three, maximum five of those. Be brutally honest. Even if you are a good generalist, it’s better to use that talent to oversee your operations than to do everything yourself.
- Write names beside the things you should let go. Who could best complete those tasks, either within your organization, or externally? Compare their wages or fees to your earning capacity and you’ll be sold on delegating. Part time help from an agency, consultants, virtual assistants, internet specialists and bookkeepers are only a few of the specialists who can do great work and who will even cover their own overhead expenses as part of their fees.
- Remember: just as you have unique talents and abilities, others have unique talents too. Talents that will complement and support yours.
- Provide support to the people to whom you have delegated tasks. As the former owner of these tasks, give them tips on how you’ve done them in the past and ask for their ideas on how to do them more effectively. Let them know where they can find support. And outline your expectations and timelines.
- Randomly follow-up with your team members. At first, you may need to spend more time over-seeing the tasks until you are sure the work is being completed to your satisfaction. But over time, you will need to do this less frequently as your confidence in their quality and timeliness of work improves.
And if you’ve made some poor hiring or delegation decisions in the past, don’t let that convince you that you’re better off doing it yourself. Get the help of a human resources professional or have a quick chat with your business coach. In the long run, you’ll be glad you did.