Procrastination Buster

Procrastination is the art of delaying, and many of us are very good at it, even though we know that it can hurt our businesses. And there can be some good reasons why we procrastinate: the task is difficult, the task is uncomfortable, it requires too much energy, it costs too much, there is a more important task to complete, it’s complicated, and…well, the reasons are endless, really.
We can bust procrastination in one or two steps. First, put the task in perspective. What would happen if you didn’t do the task at all? What would happen if it was delayed by a month, or a year? Could you live with the worst result? If you can live without the task, then you should do yourself a favour and just drop it, and release the anxiety.
If it must be done, then step two is about doing just that. Get it done, in one of three ways: 1) Do it yourself – schedule it and commit to it; 2) Delegate it to someone else in your company and supervise it; or, 3) Hire someone to do it.