Need a Model for Goal Achievement?

Need a Model for Goal Achievement?

I’ve been writing most of my adult life. In fact, I used to get detentions in school because I was always passing notes. But that’s another story.

In going over some articles I published over 20 years ago, it struck me that if it made sense then, it might still make sense today. So here is an excerpt from the archives of my 1980-90’s newsletter called Great Ideas for Marketing Yourself More Effectively.

MODELLING TO BREAK BOARDS (without any Karate training)

Goal Setting: Before you can get anywhere, you have to make up your mind where you want to go. Then get moving. But the question still remains, “How?”

One way is to model yourself after someone who is already there, who has achieved the quality of life you seek, the professional accomplishments, and the income.

At a recent National Speakers Association meeting, I was reminded just how powerful the technique of modelling really is when Jim Francis had us break ¾” pine boards with the palms of our hands, by following these 3 steps of modelling him as he demonstrated:

  1. Find out what the belief systems are. Anybody can break boards. 6 year-olds can do it. 97-year olds can do it. Anyone can do it.
  2. Find out what strategy is used. Draw a circle here. Write down your biggest fears, your greatest strengths, your goals, and what will happen if you don’t break through your fears. Then stand firmly balanced on two feet which are strategically positioned for power and speed, pump up your energy level, breathe, think your way through the board to the chest of your partner. Practice the motion, make the arms work like a pulley.
  3. Assume the physiology. Stand ready. Focus. Breathe. Break that board!


How does that relate to your business? First, it requires an incredible amount of focus to accomplish anything important. Second, we all model ourselves after someone in some way whether consciously or not. Here’s how I’m building my publishing business (November 1990).

I work with a strategic coach to help with the goal-setting and strategic process. I do not have one mentor but many, who have similar belief systems to mine, have complementary skills, and with whom I have a high degree of mutual respect. To keep constantly improving, I stay in touch with my mentors and am involved in professional associations. I read, listen to tapes, and invest a lot of time and money in upgrading my skills and purchasing the tools I need to be more effective. Whether or not I achieve the results I hoped for, I always learn from my experiences.

But, man, it sure felt great to break that board first try!!

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