Multiply Your Fort Mac Support

I was visiting near Lac La Biche last weekend and witnessed the generosity of people in this small town of 2,700 opening their arms, their hearts and their homes to 5,000 Fort Mac evacuees.
Inspired by that scene and by my daughter’s personal matching funds strategy, I wanted to do something that normally only large corporations do and that is to have a matching funds campaign of my own. “Why not?”, I thought. It might be a small matching fund but it can be mighty, and can inspire others to dig a little deeper to support the 10’s of thousands evacuees, many of whom have lost their homes, and maybe even their livelihoods to the raging wildfire.
That’s what my Fight Fire With Passion campaign is all about.
I will personally match any donations you make this month to the Red Cross Fort Mac fund, up to $1,000 total. Here’s how to have your donations matched from my personal Fight Fire with Passion Fund.
Simply email a copy of your donation receipt to me at and I will match your donation the same day. I’ll even email you back a copy of my matching donation receipt.
My Fight Fire With Passion Fund will match donations in this way every day in May or until the $1,000 Fund is exhausted.
And why not multiply your donation further by making it through another matching funds organization such as TD Bank or Sobey’s before you email a copy of your receipt to me?
Ask at your local bank branch, grocery or drug store and you will likely find that most of them have a matching funds program, too.
That turns $10 into $30, $50 into $150 or $100 into $300 donated to a good cause.
Thank you for your support.