It’s Christmas. Do You Know Where Your “Glue” Is?

At this holiday time of year, many business owners will make an effort to pass along seasonal greetings to clients, suppliers and staff. A mad rush of holiday greeting cards, boxes of chocolates, secret Santa gift exchanges, open house cocktail parties and a myriad of other ‘traditions’ to mark the occasion.
Have you ever wondered for a moment whether the effort (not to mention the investment) is worth it? Here’s the answer: Only if you’ve put the glue into it. And by glue, we’re referring to “relationship glue”.
The idea of “glue” transcends the holiday season. Glue is the essence of the adage that “little things mean a lot”. The unexpected tip, the extra freebie, the shared joke, the common interest — those are the things that make a real connection with clients and keep them coming back for more. Glue doesn’t just happen because it’s Christmas. It’s an everyday connection that is built over time.
An example. Here’s something that I do frequently – I write poems in cards. Thank you cards, holiday cards, congratulations cards. They might be simple poems, they might be corny poems, but they are always personal poems. I also like to surprise clients with articles that I’ve clipped and attached a note to (yes, it may be easy to forward a link, but it’s no substitute for getting something hand written and via snail mail!) I also share books, flowers and other gifts as appreciation throughout the year with my most important business relationships. These are my personal definition of “glue” – a personal connection that goes far beyond a greeting card or ‘stock’ gift.
A hastily signed greeting card with “Best Wishes” will be as sincerely received as offered. A personal comment, a connection, although it may take a few minutes more, is an investment in your relationship, and a measure of just how much ‘glue’ you put into the relationships when you had the opportunity during the rest of the year.
So, what are your little extras, added value or unexpected kindnesses that delight your customers? Let’s start an idea exchange!