How to Show Up On Time

Confession: I am a recovering late-comer. In the past, I have often tried to do just one more little two-minute thing before I’m out the door for an appointment.
Just as I’m grabbing my keys, the phone will ring, or my cellphone will ding. It’s the universe tempting me, I know. But it might be important. Right?
Then I get to the car and remember that I forgot to grab my briefcase so back I go, unlock the door, then notice that I left some lights on, and there’s my water bottle sitting on the counter almost empty and I do need that with me wherever I go – eight glasses a day for good health and all. You get the picture.
It’s really not that bad, but some days it feels like it. So here are some things I’m working on to change my habits. Practicing them is already changing my life for the positive. And Progress, not Perfection is my motto.
Plan the night before. Make a list of what needs to be done before you leave for appointments in the morning. Estimate how long each item will take, then add 25% to your estimate as a safety measure. This includes making and eating breakfast, showering, checking email, and whatever else could not be done today but MUST be done before you leave tomorrow. Then set your alarm accordingly and retire at a reasonable hour.
As you make your list, pack the things you will need, to avoid last minute forgetfulness.
TIP: Check the travel times between appointments, then print directions to your meetings. If you use a GPS, enter the data into your GPS the night before so you don’t have to type it in the morning.
Set take-along items by the door the day before so you won’t miss them. Water, business cards, pen, note pad, reading material in case you have gaps in your day, planner, education materials on CD, promotional materials, samples, directions, your full schedule for the day, healthy snacks – all these and more could be part of what needs to be ready to roll in the morning.
TIP: Keep a container in your car to hold an organized supply of business cards and other materials for quick access wherever you go.
Safe Multi-Tasking in the Car. TIP: Get yourself a cup and straw combination then make a breakfast smoothie the night before a busy day. You can drink your breakfast on route to your first appointment – a safe, convenient way to double-task while driving. Packing a lunch is not a bad idea either, especially if you have a 20- or 30-minute travel time between appointments.
Thank goodness for hands-free blue tooth communication. You can even give all your instructions by voice with a good blue-tooth connection to your cell phone. But then, you already knew that, didn’t you?