Grandma’s Goulash – A New Twist on Running a Business

There were eight mouths to feed – Dad, Mom and six of us children. Our mother always made sure we ate well and one of our favourite meals was Mom’s Goulash, now called Grandma’s Goulash because grandchildren and great grandchildren all love it too.
The basic ingredients were onions (pound for pound of meat in any dish) hamburger, pork and beans, canned spaghetti and canned tomatoes. It was quick to make and eat it we did, sometimes fighting over that last bit of goulash in the pot.
Now, there’s a competition on. Whenever the family gets together, one of us will volunteer to make his or her own version of Grandma’s Goulash. Some use ketchup, some mustard, some garlic, even substituting chicken for hamburger, or making an all-vegetable goulash, maybe even adding bacon, corn or other vegetables.
But what does that have to do with running a business?
As with Grandmas Goulash, which contains protein, fat, starches, legumes and vegetables, each business, no matter how big or small, has at least a basic level of these key ingredients:
Product Development and Production
Marketing, Sales and Customer Service
Financial Management
And of course, Clients!
Here is the cool thing about that. There are any number of ways that you can mix and manage each of these key ingredients to make your offering unique. And while there are some basic tools and tricks you can use such as business and marketing plan templates, sales training and computer skills, in fact the process of building your business is completely unique to you.
As long as your clients love what you do for them, they will return for more in the future, and meanwhile, they will endorse you, refer you, and provide feedback on how you can continuously serve them.
A wonderful family dinner on the one hand and a mutually satisfying business for you and your clients on the other make for an enjoyable work-life balance.
P.S. If you would like to receive my version of Grandma’s Goulash, or share with me your recipe of your own family favourite, please email me at