Finish the Year on a High Note

December is upon us and it’s often the month where productivity drops a bit, unless, of course, you are in the retail business. It seems too late in the year to start a new project, and with the holidays nearly at our doorstep, you may feel that you are intruding on others with your marketing message. But before you write off December, you can still finish this year off with a bang. Here are a few things you can do to finish the year off right.
Take a look at your customer list. Is there some low-hanging fruit there? Are there customers who haven’t bought from you in a while? Are there customers who you haven’t contacted in a few months? If so, December is a great month to connect again. It’s also a great month to send your customers gifts to keep you top of mind. Often, companies still have some funds left at the end of the year that they are trying to spend, so it may be the best time of the year for them to buy. But you won’t know unless you contact them. Your products and services are important to them, which is why they are your customers in the first place, so don’t deny them of your awesomeness.
Get started on a new project. Most entrepreneurs will wait until January to start their new project, but if you already have a head start, you will carry that momentum right into the new year. Psychologically, starting a new project in December sets up the brain with intent for a productive and profitable year ahead.
Prepare your business strategy for 2014. Take a look at your business and determine what products and services you are going to provide and the target markets you will attract. Take out your calendar and start plotting dates of completion, daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, and most of all, plot in the time you will take for yourself, such as time with family and vacations. Preparation now in December helps you hit the ground running in 2014.
You still have nearly a full month to finish off 2013 on a high note. So take full advantage of the days ahead.