Choose Referral Buddies Like You Choose Your Friends

Like friendship, the essence of a referral-buddy relationship is respect and reliability. You wouldn’t want negativity, jealousy, or arrogance to be part of your daily interactions with your friends. So why would you settle for those behaviours in your most important business associates?
Respect comes from the feeling that there is something about another business person that deserves attention. It may flow from their personal characteristics, personality, accomplishments, or status. As with a new friend, there is an immediate attraction that makes you think, “This is my kind of person.” The most successful entrepreneurs demonstrate respect by listening, acknowledging, sharing, being honest, and treating others with kindness and courtesy. A respectful referral buddy will want you to be successful, will want to learn more about your business, and will want to know how to help you.
Reliability is more than your referral buddies simply doing what they say they are going to do. It is trusting that they will speak highly of you and your products and services to other business people and customers, even in your absence. It means that you can depend on them to mention your name when others have a problem that you can solve. It means that they have your best interest at heart.
Good referral buddies understand how respect, reliability, and compassion can contribute to a successful business and a successful life. So do your best to surround yourself with them.
And remember: the best way to have a great referral buddy is to be a great referral buddy yourself. Be the respectful and reliable business associate that you want others to be.
Happy prospecting!